::. amigos, afinidades, fontes de inspiração e de orgulho e integridade (ah ah ah!) .::
soopa loosers maus hábitos zdb structura techno guide the vicious five test tube audEO ecstatic peace bizarra locomotiva passos manuel bunnyranch they call it acid blastitude virose tokyoplastic kubik tigerbeat6 a puta disentertainment juramento sem bandeira sandra materia prima gssh! gssh! records stealing orchestra venetian snares mécanósphére juan atkins bodyspace pedro carneiro Iim S.cult AnAnAnA american grizzly wooden wand and the vanishing voice vampire belt night wounds auditório.serralves veados com fome ove naxx gala drop connexion bizarre fish & sheep lovers & lollypops let's go to war esquilo records
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